Available Samples
- Simple Data Operations - demonstrates the most basic interactions with a server; from creating an initial connection, getting a table, adding a new row, updating a row and finally deleting a row.
- AsynchronousCalls - demonstrates different ways to use the methods of Data Abstract in an asynchronous fashion.
- Dynamic Where (Sample) - explores using Dynamic Where (concept).
- Dynamic Select (Sample) - explores using Dynamic Select (concept).
- DASQL (Sample) - demonstrates how to execute DA SQL (concept) statements on the server.
- Briefcases (Sample) - explores using Briefcases (concept).
- BusinessRules (Samples) demonstrates the use of Business Rules Scripting (Concept) to validate client table changes before committing them to the database.
- Commands (Sample) - demonstrates using Commands (Concept) stored in a Schema(Concept) to insert, update and delete records from the database.
- CalculatedFields (Sample) - demonstrates how to add Calculated (Concept) and Lookup fields (Concept) to a DADataTable.
- LookupFields (Sample) - demonstrates adding Lookup Fields (Concept) to a DADataTable.
- EditMode (Sample) demonstrates a feature of DADataTableRow & DADataTable where you can modify the contents of the row without making them visible unless you post those changes.
- DAArrayDataSource (Sample) shows how to use this helper class that makes it easy to render data from an NSArray of KVO-compliant objects in an
, and customize the appearance of that data. - DADataTableController (Sample) demonstrates how to use the DADataTableController class to mediate between the model and the view.
- PCTrade (Sample) is a comprehensive sample application that demonstrates what a client application might look like. There is both a desktop and mobile version of this sample.
Lastly there is a short overview of the ServiceAccess class that is common to nearly all of the available Data Abstract for Cocoa samples and provides both an implementation of Zeroconf server discovery and manual registration of a server.