The IROEventSinkHandlers interface represents the base interface to build a collection of specified event sink handlers.
The IROEventSinkHandlers interface is implemented by the HandlerArrayList class, which is used to hold the client's event handlers in the EventReceiver visual component. You do not need to use the IROEventSinkHandlers interface directly; it is used in the following situations:
If you use Multicast Events, you should register the server event sinks in the client's EventReceiver visual components, which will receive all events that came from the server.
The IROEventSinkHandlers interface is used internally in the descendants of the EventSinkInvoker class to invoke the specified event sink for all event handlers of the collection.
public class UpdateEvent_EventSinkInvoker : RemObjects.SDK.EventSinkInvoker
public static void Invoke_OnUpdateBlock(RemObjects.SDK.IROEventSinkHandlers Handlers,
RemObjects.SDK.IMessage Message)
string pkFields = Message.ReadAnsiString("pkFields");
System.Guid senderGuid = Message.ReadGuid("senderGuid");
for (int i = 0; (i < Handlers.Count); i = (i + 1))
((IUpdateEvent)(Handlers[i])).OnUpdateBlock(pkFields, senderGuid);
- Reference: RemObjects.SDK.dll
- Namespace: RemObjects.SDK
- Ancestry: IEnumerable | IROEventSinkHandlers
Represents the count of items in the current event sinks collection. This property is read-only.
property Count: Int32 read;
Int32 Count { get; }
ReadOnly Property Count() As Int32
Represents the single item with the specified index in the current collection of event sinks.
property Item[index: Int32]: IROEventSink read;
IROEventSink Item[Int32 index] { get; }
ReadOnly Property Item(index As Int32) As IROEventSink
- Multicast Events
- EventReceiver
- EventSinkInvoker
- HandlerArrayList