

The ICustomEnum interface defines a custom enumeration type that can be read or written by a Serializer instance.

The Serializer class contains a property of the type IROSerializerTypeFactory, named TypeFactory. This type factory allows to instantiate custom types not defined in the RODL while reading the incoming data stream. Also, the TypeFactory and the correspondong interfaces allow to implement a consistent way of serializing custom data types via standard RemObjects serializers like BinSerializer. This can be useful if integration with third-party libraries like ORM is needed.




Integer value corresponding to the current enumeration value. This property is used to get or set the enumeration value when the data is serialized or deserialized.


property IntegerValue: Int32 read write;


Int32 IntegerValue { get; set; }


Property IntegerValue() As Int32


String representation of the current enumeration value. This property is used by text-oriented serializers like SOAP or JSON to get or set the enumeration value when the data is serialized or deserialized.


property StringValue: String read write;


String StringValue { get; set; }


Property StringValue() As String


Name of the enumeration type. This property is used by XML-oriented serializers like SOAP to set attributes of the corresponding XML node.


property TypeName: String read;


String TypeName { get; }


ReadOnly Property TypeName() As String