The JsonMessage class implements a Message type that can be used to encode messages in a JSON format to send between client and server.
The JSON data format is a simple, human readable data interchange format written in subset of JavaScript syntax. JSON-RPC is ideal for calls from a JavaScript client, and the Service Builder includes a header generator for JavaScript that uses a JSON library from the Yahoo User Interface library.
- Reference: RemObjects.SDK.dll
- Namespace: RemObjects.SDK
- Ancestry: Component | Message | JsonMessage
Creates a new instance of the JsonMessage class.
Sub New()
AddServerExceptionPrefix (declared in Message)
property AddServerExceptionPrefix: Boolean read write;
Boolean AddServerExceptionPrefix { get; set; }
Property AddServerExceptionPrefix() As Boolean
AfterReadMessageParam (declared in Message)
Gets triggered after a parameter was read from the incoming message. You can use this event to inspect the parameter name, type and value.
event AfterReadMessageParam: EventHandler<MessageParamEventArgs>;
delegate EventHandler<MessageParamEventArgs> AfterReadMessageParam()
Event AfterReadMessageParam As EventHandler<MessageParamEventArgs>
AfterUnwrapEnvelopes (declared in Message)
event AfterUnwrapEnvelopes: EventHandler<StreamOperationEventArgs>;
delegate EventHandler<StreamOperationEventArgs> AfterUnwrapEnvelopes()
Event AfterUnwrapEnvelopes As EventHandler<StreamOperationEventArgs>
AfterWrapEnvelopes (declared in Message)
event AfterWrapEnvelopes: EventHandler<StreamOperationEventArgs>;
delegate EventHandler<StreamOperationEventArgs> AfterWrapEnvelopes()
Event AfterWrapEnvelopes As EventHandler<StreamOperationEventArgs>
BeforeUnwrapEnvelopes (declared in Message)
event BeforeUnwrapEnvelopes: EventHandler<StreamOperationEventArgs>;
delegate EventHandler<StreamOperationEventArgs> BeforeUnwrapEnvelopes()
Event BeforeUnwrapEnvelopes As EventHandler<StreamOperationEventArgs>
BeforeWrapEnvelopes (declared in Message)
event BeforeWrapEnvelopes: EventHandler<StreamOperationEventArgs>;
delegate EventHandler<StreamOperationEventArgs> BeforeWrapEnvelopes()
Event BeforeWrapEnvelopes As EventHandler<StreamOperationEventArgs>
BeforeWriteMessageParam (declared in Message)
Gets triggered before a parameter gets written to the outgoing message. You can use this event to inspect the parameter name, type and value.
event BeforeWriteMessageParam: EventHandler<MessageParamEventArgs>;
delegate EventHandler<MessageParamEventArgs> BeforeWriteMessageParam()
Event BeforeWriteMessageParam As EventHandler<MessageParamEventArgs>
CanRemapParameters protected
method CanRemapParameters: Boolean
Boolean CanRemapParameters()
Function CanRemapParameters() As Boolean
CheckForEnvelope protected (declared in Message)
method CheckForEnvelope(stream: Stream; out envelopeName: String): Boolean
Boolean CheckForEnvelope(Stream stream, out String envelopeName)
Function CheckForEnvelope(stream As Stream, <OutAttribute> ByRef envelopeName As String) As Boolean
- stream:
- envelopeName:
Clear (declared in Message)
Clears all internal data structures and prepare the class to handle the processing of a new message.
method Clear
void Clear()
Sub Clear()
ClearAttributes (declared in Message)
Clears internally set serializer options based on the attribute values and/or HTTP headers.
method ClearAttributes(channel: IChannel)
void ClearAttributes(IChannel channel)
Sub ClearAttributes(channel As IChannel)
- channel: Communication channel
ClientID (declared in Message)
Contains the Client ID for the message. Client IDs are used by the Remoting SDK for Session Management and to uniquely identify individual client on the server, for example by the Per-Client Class Factory or in your own custom code. Generally, you will not need to assign or read this value; the framework will automatically create a new unique client ID whenever a message object is instantiated on the client. However, you do have the option to read and write the ClientID property manually, for example to persist a specific client ID between shutdown and restart of your application.
property ClientID: Guid read write;
Guid ClientID { get; set; }
Property ClientID() As Guid
Creates and returns an identical copy of the message.
CloneFrom protected (declared in Message)
Copies properties values from the provided instance to the current instance.
method CloneFrom(message: Message)
void CloneFrom(Message message)
Sub CloneFrom(message As Message)
- message: Message to clone
Gets or sets a flag indicating whether current message instance contains data or not.
property ContainsData: Boolean read write;
Boolean ContainsData { get; set; }
Property ContainsData() As Boolean
Gets message's content type.
The value of this property is application/json; charset=utf-8.
property ContentType: String read;
String ContentType { get; }
ReadOnly Property ContentType() As String
ContentType (declared in Message)
Gets message's content type.
property ContentType: String read write;
String ContentType { get; set; }
Property ContentType() As String
CreateException protected (declared in Message)
method CreateException(exceptionName: String; message: String): Exception
Exception CreateException(String exceptionName, String message)
Function CreateException(exceptionName As String, message As String) As Exception
- exceptionName:
- message:
Gets or sets the current JsonBaseObject instance. This property is used to traverse the message content while deserializing data it contains.
property CurrentObject: JsonBaseObject read write;
JsonBaseObject CurrentObject { get; set; }
Property CurrentObject() As JsonBaseObject
Gets the default/recommended dispatcher name for the message type.
The value of this property is json.
property DefaultDispatcherName: String read;
String DefaultDispatcherName { get; }
ReadOnly Property DefaultDispatcherName() As String
Dispose protected (declared in Message)
method Dispose(disposing: Boolean)
void Dispose(Boolean disposing)
Sub Dispose(disposing As Boolean)
- disposing:
Envelopes (declared in Message)
property Envelopes: MessageEnvelopes read;
MessageEnvelopes Envelopes { get; }
ReadOnly Property Envelopes() As MessageEnvelopes
Gets or sets Extended Exception Class name.
This is the name of an entry in the mesaage data that contains extended server exception information, including name of exception class that should be used to raise an exception on the client side.
The default property of this value is ROJSONException.
property ExtendedExceptionClass: String read write;
String ExtendedExceptionClass { get; set; }
Property ExtendedExceptionClass() As String
FinalizeMessage (declared in Message)
This method should be implemented to ensure that the message content is complete before sending it by doing any final processing necessary.
FinalizeMessage is called after all Parameters have been written to a Message and before the message will be sent. It should perform any necessary wrap-up to ensure that a subsequent call to WriteToStream() will produce a complete message.
method FinalizeMessage
void FinalizeMessage()
Sub FinalizeMessage()
FinalizeRequest (declared in Message)
Finalizes the data request serialization.
method FinalizeRequest(channel: IRequest)
void FinalizeRequest(IRequest channel)
Sub FinalizeRequest(channel As IRequest)
- channel: Communication channel
GetExceptionMessage protected (declared in Message)
method GetExceptionMessage(exception: Exception): String
String GetExceptionMessage(Exception exception)
Function GetExceptionMessage(exception As Exception) As String
- exception:
GetStream (declared in Message)
Creates a new stream with the content of the message.
method GetStream: Stream
Stream GetStream()
Function GetStream() As Stream
HasEnvelope (declared in Message)
class method HasEnvelope(data: array of Byte): Boolean
static Boolean HasEnvelope(Byte[] data)
Shared Function HasEnvelope(data As Byte()) As Boolean
- data:
Gets or sets Client's ID.
This identifier corresponds to the session ID on the server side when the SessionIdAsId property is set to true.
property Id: String read write;
String Id { get; set; }
Property Id() As String
property IncludeMessageVersion: Boolean read write;
Boolean IncludeMessageVersion { get; set; }
Property IncludeMessageVersion() As Boolean
Gets or sets a flag indicating whether serialized JSON data should contain the type name of serialized custom objects or not.
When this property is set to true the resulting data stream will contain entry **__type** describing type name of the serialized complex object.
property IncludeTypeName: Boolean read write;
Boolean IncludeTypeName { get; set; }
Property IncludeTypeName() As Boolean
Gets or sets a flag indicating whether serialized JSON data should be formatted & indented to make it easier to read.
property Indent: Boolean read write;
Boolean Indent { get; set; }
Property Indent() As Boolean
property IndexedParametersSupport: Boolean read write;
Boolean IndexedParametersSupport { get; set; }
Property IndexedParametersSupport() As Boolean
InitializeEventMessage (IChannel, String, String) (declared in Message)
Initializes new event message for interface interfaceName with message name messageName on channel channel.
method InitializeEventMessage(channel: IChannel; interfaceName: String; messageName: String)
void InitializeEventMessage(IChannel channel, String interfaceName, String messageName)
Sub InitializeEventMessage(channel As IChannel, interfaceName As String, messageName As String)
- channel: Communication channel that will be used to send the event message
- interfaceName: Communication channel that will be used to send the event message
- messageName: Message name. Corresponds to the name of the service method being executed
InitializeEventMessage (IChannel, String, String, String)
Initializes new event message.
method InitializeEventMessage(channel: IChannel; libraryName: String; interfaceName: String; messageName: String)
void InitializeEventMessage(IChannel channel, String libraryName, String interfaceName, String messageName)
Sub InitializeEventMessage(channel As IChannel, libraryName As String, interfaceName As String, messageName As String)
- channel: Communication channel that will be used to send the event message
- libraryName: RODL library name
- interfaceName: Communication channel that will be used to send the event message
- messageName: Message name. Corresponds to the name of the service method being executed
InitializeExceptionMessage (IChannel, String, String, Exception) (declared in Message)
Should be implemented by Message components to initialize a Exception message.
method InitializeExceptionMessage(channel: IChannel; interfaceName: String; messageName: String; exception: Exception)
void InitializeExceptionMessage(IChannel channel, String interfaceName, String messageName, Exception exception)
Sub InitializeExceptionMessage(channel As IChannel, interfaceName As String, messageName As String, exception As Exception)
- channel: Communication channel that will be used to send the exception message
- interfaceName: A name of the interface (i.e. the service).
- messageName: Message name. Corresponds to the name of the service method being executed
- exception: Exception that should be serialized and sent to the client application
InitializeExceptionMessage (IChannel, String, String, String, Exception)
Initializes new exception message for interface interfaceName with message name messageName on channel channel.
method InitializeExceptionMessage(channel: IChannel; libraryName: String; interfaceName: String; messageName: String; e: Exception)
void InitializeExceptionMessage(IChannel channel, String libraryName, String interfaceName, String messageName, Exception e)
Sub InitializeExceptionMessage(channel As IChannel, libraryName As String, interfaceName As String, messageName As String, e As Exception)
- channel: Communication channel that will be used to send the exception message
- libraryName: RODL library name
- interfaceName: Interface name. Consider it as the service name
- messageName: Message name. Corresponds to the name of the service method being executed
- e: Exception that should be serialized and sent to the client application
InitializeExceptionMessage (IChannel, String, String, String, Exception) (declared in Message)
Should be implemented by Message components to initialize a Exception message.
method InitializeExceptionMessage(channel: IChannel; libraryName: String; interfaceName: String; messageName: String; exception: Exception)
void InitializeExceptionMessage(IChannel channel, String libraryName, String interfaceName, String messageName, Exception exception)
Sub InitializeExceptionMessage(channel As IChannel, libraryName As String, interfaceName As String, messageName As String, exception As Exception)
- channel: Communication channel that will be used to send the exception message
- libraryName: RODL library name
- interfaceName: A name of the interface (i.e. the service).
- messageName: Message name. Corresponds to the name of the service method being executed
- exception: Exception that should be serialized and sent to the client application
InitializeMessage (IChannel, String, String, MessageType) (declared in Message)
Initializes message of requested type for interface interfaceName with message name messageName on channel channel.
method InitializeMessage(channel: IChannel; interfaceName: String; messageName: String; messageType: MessageType)
void InitializeMessage(IChannel channel, String interfaceName, String messageName, MessageType messageType)
Sub InitializeMessage(channel As IChannel, interfaceName As String, messageName As String, messageType As MessageType)
- channel: Communication channel
- interfaceName: Interface name
- messageName: Message name
- messageType: Message type (event, exception etc)
InitializeMessage (IChannel, String, String, String, MessageType)
Initializes new message for interface interfaceName with message name messageName on channel channel.
method InitializeMessage(channel: IChannel; libraryName: String; interfaceName: String; messageName: String; messageType: MessageType)
void InitializeMessage(IChannel channel, String libraryName, String interfaceName, String messageName, MessageType messageType)
Sub InitializeMessage(channel As IChannel, libraryName As String, interfaceName As String, messageName As String, messageType As MessageType)
- channel: Communication channel that will be used to send the message
- libraryName: RODL library name
- interfaceName: Interface name. Consider it as the service name
- messageName: Message name. Corresponds to the name of the service method being executed
- messageType: Message type (ie request, response, exception etc)
Initializes new message.
method InitializeMessageEx(channel: IChannel; messageType: MessageType)
void InitializeMessageEx(IChannel channel, MessageType messageType)
Sub InitializeMessageEx(channel As IChannel, messageType As MessageType)
- channel: Communication channel that will be used to send the message
- messageType: Message type (ie request, response, exception etc)
InitializeRead (declared in Message)
method InitializeRead(channel: IChannel)
void InitializeRead(IChannel channel)
Sub InitializeRead(channel As IChannel)
- channel: Communication channnel
InitializeRequest (declared in Message)
Sets additional options of the communication channel and data serializer.
method InitializeRequest(channel: IRequest)
void InitializeRequest(IRequest channel)
Sub InitializeRequest(channel As IRequest)
- channel: Communication channnel
InitializeRequestMessage (IChannel, String, String) (declared in Message)
Should be implemented by Message components to initialize a Request message.
method InitializeRequestMessage(channel: IChannel; interfaceName: String; messageName: String)
void InitializeRequestMessage(IChannel channel, String interfaceName, String messageName)
Sub InitializeRequestMessage(channel As IChannel, interfaceName As String, messageName As String)
- channel:
- interfaceName:
- messageName:
InitializeRequestMessage (IChannel, String, String, String) (declared in Message)
method InitializeRequestMessage(channel: IChannel; libraryName: String; interfaceName: String; messageName: String)
void InitializeRequestMessage(IChannel channel, String libraryName, String interfaceName, String messageName)
Sub InitializeRequestMessage(channel As IChannel, libraryName As String, interfaceName As String, messageName As String)
- channel:
- libraryName:
- interfaceName:
- messageName:
InitializeResponseMessage (IChannel, String, String) (declared in Message)
Should be implemented by Message components to initialize a Response message.
method InitializeResponseMessage(channel: IChannel; interfaceName: String; messageName: String)
void InitializeResponseMessage(IChannel channel, String interfaceName, String messageName)
Sub InitializeResponseMessage(channel As IChannel, interfaceName As String, messageName As String)
- channel:
- interfaceName:
- messageName:
InitializeResponseMessage (IChannel, String, String, String) (declared in Message)
method InitializeResponseMessage(channel: IChannel; libraryName: String; interfaceName: String; messageName: String)
void InitializeResponseMessage(IChannel channel, String libraryName, String interfaceName, String messageName)
Sub InitializeResponseMessage(channel As IChannel, libraryName As String, interfaceName As String, messageName As String)
- channel:
- libraryName:
- interfaceName:
- messageName:
InitializeSerializer protected
method InitializeSerializer
void InitializeSerializer()
Sub InitializeSerializer()
InterfaceName (declared in Message)
Contains the name of the interface (i.e. the service) that is being called (read-only).
property InterfaceName: String read write;
String InterfaceName { get; set; }
Property InterfaceName() As String
IsValidMessage (declared in Message)
property IsValidMessage: Boolean read;
Boolean IsValidMessage { get; }
ReadOnly Property IsValidMessage() As Boolean
Creates a client message with type matching the provided target Uri. F.e. for provided uri supertcp:// this method will return an instance of the BinMessage class.
class method MessageMatchingTargetUri(uri: String): IMessage
static IMessage MessageMatchingTargetUri(String uri)
Shared Function MessageMatchingTargetUri(uri As String) As IMessage
- uri: Server Uri
Creates a client message with type matching the provided target Uri. F.e. for provided uri supertcp:// this method will return an instance of the BinMessage class.
class method MessageMatchingTargetUri(uri: Uri): IMessage
static IMessage MessageMatchingTargetUri(Uri uri)
Shared Function MessageMatchingTargetUri(uri As Uri) As IMessage
- uri: Server Uri
MessageName (declared in Message)
Contains the name of the message (i.e. the method) that is being called (read-only).
property MessageName: String read write;
String MessageName { get; set; }
Property MessageName() As String
MessageType (declared in Message)
Contains the Type of message represented by the message instance.
property MessageType: MessageType read write;
MessageType MessageType { get; set; }
Property MessageType() As MessageType
OnFinalizeMessage (declared in Message)
Gets triggered when FinalizeMessage method was called to finalize an outgoing message just before it will be actually sent across the wire to the remote system.
event OnFinalizeMessage: EventHandler<EventArgs>;
delegate EventHandler<EventArgs> OnFinalizeMessage()
Event OnFinalizeMessage As EventHandler<EventArgs>
OnInitializeMessage (declared in Message)
Gets triggered when InitializeMessage method is called to initialize an outgoing message. You can hook into this event to inspect information such as the service name and message (method) name, as well as the channel that the message is being dispatched through.
event OnInitializeMessage: EventHandler<InitMessageEventArgs>;
delegate EventHandler<InitMessageEventArgs> OnInitializeMessage()
Event OnInitializeMessage As EventHandler<InitMessageEventArgs>
Gets or sets a flag defining the way method parameters are serialized in the JSON data stream.
property ParamsAsArray: Boolean read write;
Boolean ParamsAsArray { get; set; }
Property ParamsAsArray() As Boolean
ProcessException protected (declared in Message)
method ProcessException
void ProcessException()
Sub ProcessException()
Read (declared in Message)
Calls the appropriate method for reading the given Type (such as ReadString or ReadInt32). If the type is unsupported, an exception is raised. Objects can be written to the Serializer using the Write method. You will usually not need to override this method when implementing a custom Serializer.
method Read(name: String; type: Type; format: StreamingFormat): Object
Object Read(String name, Type type, StreamingFormat format)
Function Read(name As String, type As Type, format As StreamingFormat) As Object
- name:
- type:
- format:
ReadAnsiString (declared in Message)
Should be implemented to read an ANSI String value from the message.
method ReadAnsiString(name: String): String
String ReadAnsiString(String name)
Function ReadAnsiString(name As String) As String
- name:
ReadBoolean (declared in Message)
method ReadBoolean(name: String): Boolean
Boolean ReadBoolean(String name)
Function ReadBoolean(name As String) As Boolean
- name:
ReadCurrency (declared in Message)
method ReadCurrency(name: String): Decimal
Decimal ReadCurrency(String name)
Function ReadCurrency(name As String) As Decimal
- name:
ReadDateTime (declared in Message)
method ReadDateTime(name: String): DateTime
DateTime ReadDateTime(String name)
Function ReadDateTime(name As String) As DateTime
- name:
ReadDecimal (declared in Message)
method ReadDecimal(name: String): Decimal
Decimal ReadDecimal(String name)
Function ReadDecimal(name As String) As Decimal
- name:
ReadDouble (declared in Message)
method ReadDouble(name: String): Double
Double ReadDouble(String name)
Function ReadDouble(name As String) As Double
- name:
ReadEnum (declared in Message)
method ReadEnum(name: String; type: Type): Enum
Enum ReadEnum(String name, Type type)
Function ReadEnum(name As String, type As Type) As Enum
- name:
- type:
Reads the current message as an exception, then returns a new ServerException instance, properly initialized with the message values.
method ReadException: Exception
Exception ReadException()
Function ReadException() As Exception
ReadFromStream (declared in Message)
Should be implemented to read the contents of the message from the given stream.
method ReadFromStream(stream: Stream)
void ReadFromStream(Stream stream)
Sub ReadFromStream(stream As Stream)
- stream:
ReadGuid (declared in Message)
method ReadGuid(name: String): Guid
Guid ReadGuid(String name)
Function ReadGuid(name As String) As Guid
- name:
ReadInt32 (declared in Message)
Reads Int32
method ReadInt32(name: String): Int32
Int32 ReadInt32(String name)
Function ReadInt32(name As String) As Int32
- name:
ReadInt64 (declared in Message)
Reads Int64
method ReadInt64(name: String): Int64
Int64 ReadInt64(String name)
Function ReadInt64(name As String) As Int64
- name:
ReadNullableBoolean (declared in Message)
method ReadNullableBoolean(name: String): nullable Boolean
Boolean? ReadNullableBoolean(String name)
Function ReadNullableBoolean(name As String) As Boolean?
- name:
ReadNullableCurrency (declared in Message)
method ReadNullableCurrency(name: String): nullable Decimal
Decimal? ReadNullableCurrency(String name)
Function ReadNullableCurrency(name As String) As Decimal?
- name:
ReadNullableDateTime (declared in Message)
method ReadNullableDateTime(name: String): nullable DateTime
DateTime? ReadNullableDateTime(String name)
Function ReadNullableDateTime(name As String) As DateTime?
- name:
ReadNullableDecimal (declared in Message)
method ReadNullableDecimal(name: String): nullable Decimal
Decimal? ReadNullableDecimal(String name)
Function ReadNullableDecimal(name As String) As Decimal?
- name:
ReadNullableDouble (declared in Message)
method ReadNullableDouble(name: String): nullable Double
Double? ReadNullableDouble(String name)
Function ReadNullableDouble(name As String) As Double?
- name:
ReadNullableEnum (declared in Message)
method ReadNullableEnum(name: String; type: Type): nullable Enum
Enum? ReadNullableEnum(String name, Type type)
Function ReadNullableEnum(name As String, type As Type) As Enum?
- name:
- type:
ReadNullableGuid (declared in Message)
method ReadNullableGuid(name: String): nullable Guid
Guid? ReadNullableGuid(String name)
Function ReadNullableGuid(name As String) As Guid?
- name:
ReadNullableInt32 (declared in Message)
method ReadNullableInt32(name: String): nullable Int32
Int32? ReadNullableInt32(String name)
Function ReadNullableInt32(name As String) As Int32?
- name:
ReadNullableInt64 (declared in Message)
method ReadNullableInt64(name: String): nullable Int64
Int64? ReadNullableInt64(String name)
Function ReadNullableInt64(name As String) As Int64?
- name:
ReadUtf8String (declared in Message)
method ReadUtf8String(name: String): String
String ReadUtf8String(String name)
Function ReadUtf8String(name As String) As String
- name:
ReadVariant (declared in Message)
method ReadVariant(name: String): Object
Object ReadVariant(String name)
Function ReadVariant(name As String) As Object
- name:
ReadWideString (declared in Message)
Should be implemented to read an Unicode Wide String value from the message.
method ReadWideString(name: String): String
String ReadWideString(String name)
Function ReadWideString(name As String) As String
- name:
ReadXml (declared in Message)
method ReadXml(name: String): XmlNode
XmlNode ReadXml(String name)
Function ReadXml(name As String) As XmlNode
- name:
RemapParameters protected
method RemapParameters(parameters: array of String)
void RemapParameters(String[] parameters)
Sub RemapParameters(parameters As String())
- parameters:
Gets the root JsonObject instance in the JSON data contained in the message.
property RootObject: JsonObject read;
JsonObject RootObject { get; }
ReadOnly Property RootObject() As JsonObject
Gets or sets a flag defining the way exceptions are sent to the client application.
When the flag is set to true then ExtendedExceptionClass object is sent as exception description.
The default value of this property is false.
property SendExtendedException: Boolean read write;
Boolean SendExtendedException { get; set; }
Property SendExtendedException() As Boolean
SerializerInstance (declared in Message)
This is the Serializer used to write values to the message. Descendant classes will set this property to a custom Serializer class within their InitializeMessage or ReadFromStream methods, so that future calls to the Read* and Write* methods can access the custom Serializer.
property SerializerInstance: Serializer read write;
Serializer SerializerInstance { get; set; }
Property SerializerInstance() As Serializer
ServerExceptionPrefix (declared in Message)
property ServerExceptionPrefix: String read write;
String ServerExceptionPrefix { get; set; }
Property ServerExceptionPrefix() As String
Gets or sets a flag indicating whether the Id property should be used as a session identifier.
property SessionIdAsId: Boolean read write;
Boolean SessionIdAsId { get; set; }
Property SessionIdAsId() As Boolean
SetAttributes (declared in Message)
method SetAttributes(channel: IChannel; attributeNames: array of String; attributeValues: array of String)
void SetAttributes(IChannel channel, String[] attributeNames, String[] attributeValues)
Sub SetAttributes(channel As IChannel, attributeNames As String(), attributeValues As String())
- channel:
- attributeNames:
- attributeValues:
TriggerAfterReadMessageParam (String, Object) protected (declared in Message)
method TriggerAfterReadMessageParam(name: String; parameter: Object)
void TriggerAfterReadMessageParam(String name, Object parameter)
Sub TriggerAfterReadMessageParam(name As String, parameter As Object)
- name:
- parameter:
TriggerAfterReadMessageParam (String, Object, Type) protected (declared in Message)
method TriggerAfterReadMessageParam(name: String; parameter: Object; type: Type)
void TriggerAfterReadMessageParam(String name, Object parameter, Type type)
Sub TriggerAfterReadMessageParam(name As String, parameter As Object, type As Type)
- name:
- parameter:
- type:
TriggerAfterReadMessageParam (String, Object, Type, StreamingFormat) protected (declared in Message)
method TriggerAfterReadMessageParam(name: String; parameter: Object; type: Type; format: StreamingFormat)
void TriggerAfterReadMessageParam(String name, Object parameter, Type type, StreamingFormat format)
Sub TriggerAfterReadMessageParam(name As String, parameter As Object, type As Type, format As StreamingFormat)
- name:
- parameter:
- type:
- format:
TriggerAfterUnwrapEnvelopes protected (declared in Message)
method TriggerAfterUnwrapEnvelopes(stream: Stream)
void TriggerAfterUnwrapEnvelopes(Stream stream)
Sub TriggerAfterUnwrapEnvelopes(stream As Stream)
- stream:
TriggerAfterWrapEnvelopes protected (declared in Message)
method TriggerAfterWrapEnvelopes(stream: Stream)
void TriggerAfterWrapEnvelopes(Stream stream)
Sub TriggerAfterWrapEnvelopes(stream As Stream)
- stream:
TriggerBeforeUnwrapEnvelopes protected (declared in Message)
method TriggerBeforeUnwrapEnvelopes(stream: Stream)
void TriggerBeforeUnwrapEnvelopes(Stream stream)
Sub TriggerBeforeUnwrapEnvelopes(stream As Stream)
- stream:
TriggerBeforeWrapEnvelopes protected (declared in Message)
method TriggerBeforeWrapEnvelopes(stream: Stream)
void TriggerBeforeWrapEnvelopes(Stream stream)
Sub TriggerBeforeWrapEnvelopes(stream As Stream)
- stream:
TriggerBeforeWriteMessageParam (String, Object) protected (declared in Message)
method TriggerBeforeWriteMessageParam(name: String; parameter: Object)
void TriggerBeforeWriteMessageParam(String name, Object parameter)
Sub TriggerBeforeWriteMessageParam(name As String, parameter As Object)
- name:
- parameter:
TriggerBeforeWriteMessageParam (String, Object, Type) protected (declared in Message)
method TriggerBeforeWriteMessageParam(name: String; parameter: Object; type: Type)
void TriggerBeforeWriteMessageParam(String name, Object parameter, Type type)
Sub TriggerBeforeWriteMessageParam(name As String, parameter As Object, type As Type)
- name:
- parameter:
- type:
TriggerBeforeWriteMessageParam (String, Object, Type, StreamingFormat) protected (declared in Message)
method TriggerBeforeWriteMessageParam(name: String; parameter: Object; type: Type; format: StreamingFormat)
void TriggerBeforeWriteMessageParam(String name, Object parameter, Type type, StreamingFormat format)
Sub TriggerBeforeWriteMessageParam(name As String, parameter As Object, type As Type, format As StreamingFormat)
- name:
- parameter:
- type:
- format:
TriggerOnFinalizeMessage protected (declared in Message)
method TriggerOnFinalizeMessage
void TriggerOnFinalizeMessage()
Sub TriggerOnFinalizeMessage()
TriggerOnInitializeMessage protected (declared in Message)
method TriggerOnInitializeMessage(channel: IChannel; interfaceName: String; messageName: String; exception: Exception)
void TriggerOnInitializeMessage(IChannel channel, String interfaceName, String messageName, Exception exception)
Sub TriggerOnInitializeMessage(channel As IChannel, interfaceName As String, messageName As String, exception As Exception)
- channel:
- interfaceName:
- messageName:
- exception:
UnwrapEnvelopes protected (declared in Message)
method UnwrapEnvelopes(stream: Stream): Stream
Stream UnwrapEnvelopes(Stream stream)
Function UnwrapEnvelopes(stream As Stream) As Stream
- stream:
Validate (declared in Message)
method Validate(content: String): Boolean
Boolean Validate(String content)
Function Validate(content As String) As Boolean
- content:
property Version: JsonVersion read write;
JsonVersion Version { get; set; }
Property Version() As JsonVersion
WrapEnvelopes protected (declared in Message)
method WrapEnvelopes(stream: Stream): Stream
Stream WrapEnvelopes(Stream stream)
Function WrapEnvelopes(stream As Stream) As Stream
- stream:
Gets or sets a flag indicating whether the JSON root object of the current message should be wrapped into a result JSON entry.
This property should be set to true if it is intended to allow Remoting SDK for JavaScript-based clients to communicate with the server.
property WrapResult: Boolean read write;
Boolean WrapResult { get; set; }
Property WrapResult() As Boolean
Write (declared in Message)
method Write(name: String; value: Object; type: Type; format: StreamingFormat)
void Write(String name, Object value, Type type, StreamingFormat format)
Sub Write(name As String, value As Object, type As Type, format As StreamingFormat)
- name:
- value:
- type:
- format:
WriteAnsiString (declared in Message)
Should be implemented to write an ANSI String value to the message.
method WriteAnsiString(name: String; value: String)
void WriteAnsiString(String name, String value)
Sub WriteAnsiString(name As String, value As String)
- name:
- value:
WriteBoolean (declared in Message)
method WriteBoolean(name: String; value: Boolean)
void WriteBoolean(String name, Boolean value)
Sub WriteBoolean(name As String, value As Boolean)
- name:
- value:
WriteCurrency (declared in Message)
method WriteCurrency(name: String; value: Decimal)
void WriteCurrency(String name, Decimal value)
Sub WriteCurrency(name As String, value As Decimal)
- name:
- value:
WriteDateTime (declared in Message)
method WriteDateTime(name: String; value: DateTime)
void WriteDateTime(String name, DateTime value)
Sub WriteDateTime(name As String, value As DateTime)
- name:
- value:
WriteDecimal (declared in Message)
method WriteDecimal(name: String; value: Decimal)
void WriteDecimal(String name, Decimal value)
Sub WriteDecimal(name As String, value As Decimal)
- name:
- value:
WriteDouble (declared in Message)
method WriteDouble(name: String; value: Double)
void WriteDouble(String name, Double value)
Sub WriteDouble(name As String, value As Double)
- name:
- value:
WriteEnum (declared in Message)
method WriteEnum(name: String; value: Enum)
void WriteEnum(String name, Enum value)
Sub WriteEnum(name As String, value As Enum)
- name:
- value:
WriteEnvelopeHeader (declared in Message)
method WriteEnvelopeHeader(envelope: MessageEnvelope; stream: Stream)
void WriteEnvelopeHeader(MessageEnvelope envelope, Stream stream)
Sub WriteEnvelopeHeader(envelope As MessageEnvelope, stream As Stream)
- envelope:
- stream:
Writes the provided exception to the current message.
method WriteException(exception: Exception)
void WriteException(Exception exception)
Sub WriteException(exception As Exception)
- exception: Exception that should be serialized and sent to the client application
WriteGuid (declared in Message)
method WriteGuid(name: String; value: Guid)
void WriteGuid(String name, Guid value)
Sub WriteGuid(name As String, value As Guid)
- name:
- value:
WriteInt32 (declared in Message)
method WriteInt32(name: String; value: Int32)
void WriteInt32(String name, Int32 value)
Sub WriteInt32(name As String, value As Int32)
- name:
- value:
WriteInt64 (declared in Message)
method WriteInt64(name: String; value: Int64)
void WriteInt64(String name, Int64 value)
Sub WriteInt64(name As String, value As Int64)
- name:
- value:
WriteNullableBoolean (declared in Message)
method WriteNullableBoolean(name: String; value: Nullable<Boolean>)
void WriteNullableBoolean(String name, Nullable<Boolean> value)
Sub WriteNullableBoolean(name As String, value As Nullable<Boolean>)
- name:
- value:
WriteNullableCurrency (declared in Message)
method WriteNullableCurrency(name: String; value: Nullable<Decimal>)
void WriteNullableCurrency(String name, Nullable<Decimal> value)
Sub WriteNullableCurrency(name As String, value As Nullable<Decimal>)
- name:
- value:
WriteNullableDateTime (declared in Message)
method WriteNullableDateTime(name: String; value: Nullable<DateTime>)
void WriteNullableDateTime(String name, Nullable<DateTime> value)
Sub WriteNullableDateTime(name As String, value As Nullable<DateTime>)
- name:
- value:
WriteNullableDecimal (declared in Message)
method WriteNullableDecimal(name: String; value: Nullable<Decimal>)
void WriteNullableDecimal(String name, Nullable<Decimal> value)
Sub WriteNullableDecimal(name As String, value As Nullable<Decimal>)
- name:
- value:
WriteNullableDouble (declared in Message)
method WriteNullableDouble(name: String; value: Nullable<Double>)
void WriteNullableDouble(String name, Nullable<Double> value)
Sub WriteNullableDouble(name As String, value As Nullable<Double>)
- name:
- value:
WriteNullableEnum (declared in Message)
method WriteNullableEnum(name: String; value: nullable Enum)
void WriteNullableEnum(String name, Enum? value)
Sub WriteNullableEnum(name As String, value As Enum?)
- name:
- value:
WriteNullableGuid (declared in Message)
method WriteNullableGuid(name: String; value: Nullable<Guid>)
void WriteNullableGuid(String name, Nullable<Guid> value)
Sub WriteNullableGuid(name As String, value As Nullable<Guid>)
- name:
- value:
WriteNullableInt32 (declared in Message)
method WriteNullableInt32(name: String; value: Nullable<Int32>)
void WriteNullableInt32(String name, Nullable<Int32> value)
Sub WriteNullableInt32(name As String, value As Nullable<Int32>)
- name:
- value:
WriteNullableInt64 (declared in Message)
method WriteNullableInt64(name: String; value: Nullable<Int64>)
void WriteNullableInt64(String name, Nullable<Int64> value)
Sub WriteNullableInt64(name As String, value As Nullable<Int64>)
- name:
- value:
WriteToStream (declared in Message)
method WriteToStream(stream: Stream)
void WriteToStream(Stream stream)
Sub WriteToStream(stream As Stream)
- stream:
WriteUtf8String (declared in Message)
method WriteUtf8String(name: String; value: String)
void WriteUtf8String(String name, String value)
Sub WriteUtf8String(name As String, value As String)
- name:
- value:
WriteVariant (declared in Message)
method WriteVariant(name: String; value: Object)
void WriteVariant(String name, Object value)
Sub WriteVariant(name As String, value As Object)
- name:
- value:
WriteWideString (declared in Message)
method WriteWideString(name: String; value: String)
void WriteWideString(String name, String value)
Sub WriteWideString(name As String, value As String)
- name:
- value:
WriteXml (declared in Message)
method WriteXml(name: String; value: XmlNode)
void WriteXml(String name, XmlNode value)
Sub WriteXml(name As String, value As XmlNode)
- name:
- value:
AddServerExceptionPrefix (declared in Message)
property AddServerExceptionPrefix: Boolean read write;
Boolean AddServerExceptionPrefix { get; set; }
Property AddServerExceptionPrefix() As Boolean
ClientID (declared in Message)
Contains the Client ID for the message. Client IDs are used by the Remoting SDK for Session Management and to uniquely identify individual client on the server, for example by the Per-Client Class Factory or in your own custom code. Generally, you will not need to assign or read this value; the framework will automatically create a new unique client ID whenever a message object is instantiated on the client. However, you do have the option to read and write the ClientID property manually, for example to persist a specific client ID between shutdown and restart of your application.
property ClientID: Guid read write;
Guid ClientID { get; set; }
Property ClientID() As Guid
Gets or sets a flag indicating whether current message instance contains data or not.
property ContainsData: Boolean read write;
Boolean ContainsData { get; set; }
Property ContainsData() As Boolean
Gets message's content type.
The value of this property is application/json; charset=utf-8.
property ContentType: String read;
String ContentType { get; }
ReadOnly Property ContentType() As String
ContentType (declared in Message)
Gets message's content type.
property ContentType: String read write;
String ContentType { get; set; }
Property ContentType() As String
Gets or sets the current JsonBaseObject instance. This property is used to traverse the message content while deserializing data it contains.
property CurrentObject: JsonBaseObject read write;
JsonBaseObject CurrentObject { get; set; }
Property CurrentObject() As JsonBaseObject
Gets the default/recommended dispatcher name for the message type.
The value of this property is json.
property DefaultDispatcherName: String read;
String DefaultDispatcherName { get; }
ReadOnly Property DefaultDispatcherName() As String
Envelopes (declared in Message)
property Envelopes: MessageEnvelopes read;
MessageEnvelopes Envelopes { get; }
ReadOnly Property Envelopes() As MessageEnvelopes
Gets or sets Extended Exception Class name.
This is the name of an entry in the mesaage data that contains extended server exception information, including name of exception class that should be used to raise an exception on the client side.
The default property of this value is ROJSONException.
property ExtendedExceptionClass: String read write;
String ExtendedExceptionClass { get; set; }
Property ExtendedExceptionClass() As String
Gets or sets Client's ID.
This identifier corresponds to the session ID on the server side when the SessionIdAsId property is set to true.
property Id: String read write;
String Id { get; set; }
Property Id() As String
property IncludeMessageVersion: Boolean read write;
Boolean IncludeMessageVersion { get; set; }
Property IncludeMessageVersion() As Boolean
Gets or sets a flag indicating whether serialized JSON data should contain the type name of serialized custom objects or not.
When this property is set to true the resulting data stream will contain entry **__type** describing type name of the serialized complex object.
property IncludeTypeName: Boolean read write;
Boolean IncludeTypeName { get; set; }
Property IncludeTypeName() As Boolean
Gets or sets a flag indicating whether serialized JSON data should be formatted & indented to make it easier to read.
property Indent: Boolean read write;
Boolean Indent { get; set; }
Property Indent() As Boolean
property IndexedParametersSupport: Boolean read write;
Boolean IndexedParametersSupport { get; set; }
Property IndexedParametersSupport() As Boolean
InterfaceName (declared in Message)
Contains the name of the interface (i.e. the service) that is being called (read-only).
property InterfaceName: String read write;
String InterfaceName { get; set; }
Property InterfaceName() As String
IsValidMessage (declared in Message)
property IsValidMessage: Boolean read;
Boolean IsValidMessage { get; }
ReadOnly Property IsValidMessage() As Boolean
MessageName (declared in Message)
Contains the name of the message (i.e. the method) that is being called (read-only).
property MessageName: String read write;
String MessageName { get; set; }
Property MessageName() As String
MessageType (declared in Message)
Contains the Type of message represented by the message instance.
property MessageType: MessageType read write;
MessageType MessageType { get; set; }
Property MessageType() As MessageType
Gets or sets a flag defining the way method parameters are serialized in the JSON data stream.
property ParamsAsArray: Boolean read write;
Boolean ParamsAsArray { get; set; }
Property ParamsAsArray() As Boolean
Gets the root JsonObject instance in the JSON data contained in the message.
property RootObject: JsonObject read;
JsonObject RootObject { get; }
ReadOnly Property RootObject() As JsonObject
Gets or sets a flag defining the way exceptions are sent to the client application.
When the flag is set to true then ExtendedExceptionClass object is sent as exception description.
The default value of this property is false.
property SendExtendedException: Boolean read write;
Boolean SendExtendedException { get; set; }
Property SendExtendedException() As Boolean
SerializerInstance (declared in Message)
This is the Serializer used to write values to the message. Descendant classes will set this property to a custom Serializer class within their InitializeMessage or ReadFromStream methods, so that future calls to the Read* and Write* methods can access the custom Serializer.
property SerializerInstance: Serializer read write;
Serializer SerializerInstance { get; set; }
Property SerializerInstance() As Serializer
ServerExceptionPrefix (declared in Message)
property ServerExceptionPrefix: String read write;
String ServerExceptionPrefix { get; set; }
Property ServerExceptionPrefix() As String
Gets or sets a flag indicating whether the Id property should be used as a session identifier.
property SessionIdAsId: Boolean read write;
Boolean SessionIdAsId { get; set; }
Property SessionIdAsId() As Boolean
property Version: JsonVersion read write;
JsonVersion Version { get; set; }
Property Version() As JsonVersion
Gets or sets a flag indicating whether the JSON root object of the current message should be wrapped into a result JSON entry.
This property should be set to true if it is intended to allow Remoting SDK for JavaScript-based clients to communicate with the server.
property WrapResult: Boolean read write;
Boolean WrapResult { get; set; }
Property WrapResult() As Boolean
HasEnvelope (declared in Message)
class method HasEnvelope(data: array of Byte): Boolean
static Boolean HasEnvelope(Byte[] data)
Shared Function HasEnvelope(data As Byte()) As Boolean
- data:
Creates a client message with type matching the provided target Uri. F.e. for provided uri supertcp:// this method will return an instance of the BinMessage class.
class method MessageMatchingTargetUri(uri: String): IMessage
static IMessage MessageMatchingTargetUri(String uri)
Shared Function MessageMatchingTargetUri(uri As String) As IMessage
- uri: Server Uri
Creates a client message with type matching the provided target Uri. F.e. for provided uri supertcp:// this method will return an instance of the BinMessage class.
class method MessageMatchingTargetUri(uri: Uri): IMessage
static IMessage MessageMatchingTargetUri(Uri uri)
Shared Function MessageMatchingTargetUri(uri As Uri) As IMessage
- uri: Server Uri
Creates a new instance of the JsonMessage class.
Sub New()
CanRemapParameters protected
method CanRemapParameters: Boolean
Boolean CanRemapParameters()
Function CanRemapParameters() As Boolean
CheckForEnvelope protected (declared in Message)
method CheckForEnvelope(stream: Stream; out envelopeName: String): Boolean
Boolean CheckForEnvelope(Stream stream, out String envelopeName)
Function CheckForEnvelope(stream As Stream, <OutAttribute> ByRef envelopeName As String) As Boolean
- stream:
- envelopeName:
Clear (declared in Message)
Clears all internal data structures and prepare the class to handle the processing of a new message.
method Clear
void Clear()
Sub Clear()
ClearAttributes (declared in Message)
Clears internally set serializer options based on the attribute values and/or HTTP headers.
method ClearAttributes(channel: IChannel)
void ClearAttributes(IChannel channel)
Sub ClearAttributes(channel As IChannel)
- channel: Communication channel
Creates and returns an identical copy of the message.
CloneFrom protected (declared in Message)
Copies properties values from the provided instance to the current instance.
method CloneFrom(message: Message)
void CloneFrom(Message message)
Sub CloneFrom(message As Message)
- message: Message to clone
CreateException protected (declared in Message)
method CreateException(exceptionName: String; message: String): Exception
Exception CreateException(String exceptionName, String message)
Function CreateException(exceptionName As String, message As String) As Exception
- exceptionName:
- message:
Dispose protected (declared in Message)
method Dispose(disposing: Boolean)
void Dispose(Boolean disposing)
Sub Dispose(disposing As Boolean)
- disposing:
FinalizeMessage (declared in Message)
This method should be implemented to ensure that the message content is complete before sending it by doing any final processing necessary.
FinalizeMessage is called after all Parameters have been written to a Message and before the message will be sent. It should perform any necessary wrap-up to ensure that a subsequent call to WriteToStream() will produce a complete message.
method FinalizeMessage
void FinalizeMessage()
Sub FinalizeMessage()
FinalizeRequest (declared in Message)
Finalizes the data request serialization.
method FinalizeRequest(channel: IRequest)
void FinalizeRequest(IRequest channel)
Sub FinalizeRequest(channel As IRequest)
- channel: Communication channel
GetExceptionMessage protected (declared in Message)
method GetExceptionMessage(exception: Exception): String
String GetExceptionMessage(Exception exception)
Function GetExceptionMessage(exception As Exception) As String
- exception:
GetStream (declared in Message)
Creates a new stream with the content of the message.
method GetStream: Stream
Stream GetStream()
Function GetStream() As Stream
InitializeEventMessage (IChannel, String, String) (declared in Message)
Initializes new event message for interface interfaceName with message name messageName on channel channel.
method InitializeEventMessage(channel: IChannel; interfaceName: String; messageName: String)
void InitializeEventMessage(IChannel channel, String interfaceName, String messageName)
Sub InitializeEventMessage(channel As IChannel, interfaceName As String, messageName As String)
- channel: Communication channel that will be used to send the event message
- interfaceName: Communication channel that will be used to send the event message
- messageName: Message name. Corresponds to the name of the service method being executed
InitializeEventMessage (IChannel, String, String, String)
Initializes new event message.
method InitializeEventMessage(channel: IChannel; libraryName: String; interfaceName: String; messageName: String)
void InitializeEventMessage(IChannel channel, String libraryName, String interfaceName, String messageName)
Sub InitializeEventMessage(channel As IChannel, libraryName As String, interfaceName As String, messageName As String)
- channel: Communication channel that will be used to send the event message
- libraryName: RODL library name
- interfaceName: Communication channel that will be used to send the event message
- messageName: Message name. Corresponds to the name of the service method being executed
InitializeExceptionMessage (IChannel, String, String, Exception) (declared in Message)
Should be implemented by Message components to initialize a Exception message.
method InitializeExceptionMessage(channel: IChannel; interfaceName: String; messageName: String; exception: Exception)
void InitializeExceptionMessage(IChannel channel, String interfaceName, String messageName, Exception exception)
Sub InitializeExceptionMessage(channel As IChannel, interfaceName As String, messageName As String, exception As Exception)
- channel: Communication channel that will be used to send the exception message
- interfaceName: A name of the interface (i.e. the service).
- messageName: Message name. Corresponds to the name of the service method being executed
- exception: Exception that should be serialized and sent to the client application
InitializeExceptionMessage (IChannel, String, String, String, Exception)
Initializes new exception message for interface interfaceName with message name messageName on channel channel.
method InitializeExceptionMessage(channel: IChannel; libraryName: String; interfaceName: String; messageName: String; e: Exception)
void InitializeExceptionMessage(IChannel channel, String libraryName, String interfaceName, String messageName, Exception e)
Sub InitializeExceptionMessage(channel As IChannel, libraryName As String, interfaceName As String, messageName As String, e As Exception)
- channel: Communication channel that will be used to send the exception message
- libraryName: RODL library name
- interfaceName: Interface name. Consider it as the service name
- messageName: Message name. Corresponds to the name of the service method being executed
- e: Exception that should be serialized and sent to the client application
InitializeExceptionMessage (IChannel, String, String, String, Exception) (declared in Message)
Should be implemented by Message components to initialize a Exception message.
method InitializeExceptionMessage(channel: IChannel; libraryName: String; interfaceName: String; messageName: String; exception: Exception)
void InitializeExceptionMessage(IChannel channel, String libraryName, String interfaceName, String messageName, Exception exception)
Sub InitializeExceptionMessage(channel As IChannel, libraryName As String, interfaceName As String, messageName As String, exception As Exception)
- channel: Communication channel that will be used to send the exception message
- libraryName: RODL library name
- interfaceName: A name of the interface (i.e. the service).
- messageName: Message name. Corresponds to the name of the service method being executed
- exception: Exception that should be serialized and sent to the client application
InitializeMessage (IChannel, String, String, MessageType) (declared in Message)
Initializes message of requested type for interface interfaceName with message name messageName on channel channel.
method InitializeMessage(channel: IChannel; interfaceName: String; messageName: String; messageType: MessageType)
void InitializeMessage(IChannel channel, String interfaceName, String messageName, MessageType messageType)
Sub InitializeMessage(channel As IChannel, interfaceName As String, messageName As String, messageType As MessageType)
- channel: Communication channel
- interfaceName: Interface name
- messageName: Message name
- messageType: Message type (event, exception etc)
InitializeMessage (IChannel, String, String, String, MessageType)
Initializes new message for interface interfaceName with message name messageName on channel channel.
method InitializeMessage(channel: IChannel; libraryName: String; interfaceName: String; messageName: String; messageType: MessageType)
void InitializeMessage(IChannel channel, String libraryName, String interfaceName, String messageName, MessageType messageType)
Sub InitializeMessage(channel As IChannel, libraryName As String, interfaceName As String, messageName As String, messageType As MessageType)
- channel: Communication channel that will be used to send the message
- libraryName: RODL library name
- interfaceName: Interface name. Consider it as the service name
- messageName: Message name. Corresponds to the name of the service method being executed
- messageType: Message type (ie request, response, exception etc)
Initializes new message.
method InitializeMessageEx(channel: IChannel; messageType: MessageType)
void InitializeMessageEx(IChannel channel, MessageType messageType)
Sub InitializeMessageEx(channel As IChannel, messageType As MessageType)
- channel: Communication channel that will be used to send the message
- messageType: Message type (ie request, response, exception etc)
InitializeRead (declared in Message)
method InitializeRead(channel: IChannel)
void InitializeRead(IChannel channel)
Sub InitializeRead(channel As IChannel)
- channel: Communication channnel
InitializeRequest (declared in Message)
Sets additional options of the communication channel and data serializer.
method InitializeRequest(channel: IRequest)
void InitializeRequest(IRequest channel)
Sub InitializeRequest(channel As IRequest)
- channel: Communication channnel
InitializeRequestMessage (IChannel, String, String) (declared in Message)
Should be implemented by Message components to initialize a Request message.
method InitializeRequestMessage(channel: IChannel; interfaceName: String; messageName: String)
void InitializeRequestMessage(IChannel channel, String interfaceName, String messageName)
Sub InitializeRequestMessage(channel As IChannel, interfaceName As String, messageName As String)
- channel:
- interfaceName:
- messageName:
InitializeRequestMessage (IChannel, String, String, String) (declared in Message)
method InitializeRequestMessage(channel: IChannel; libraryName: String; interfaceName: String; messageName: String)
void InitializeRequestMessage(IChannel channel, String libraryName, String interfaceName, String messageName)
Sub InitializeRequestMessage(channel As IChannel, libraryName As String, interfaceName As String, messageName As String)
- channel:
- libraryName:
- interfaceName:
- messageName:
InitializeResponseMessage (IChannel, String, String) (declared in Message)
Should be implemented by Message components to initialize a Response message.
method InitializeResponseMessage(channel: IChannel; interfaceName: String; messageName: String)
void InitializeResponseMessage(IChannel channel, String interfaceName, String messageName)
Sub InitializeResponseMessage(channel As IChannel, interfaceName As String, messageName As String)
- channel:
- interfaceName:
- messageName:
InitializeResponseMessage (IChannel, String, String, String) (declared in Message)
method InitializeResponseMessage(channel: IChannel; libraryName: String; interfaceName: String; messageName: String)
void InitializeResponseMessage(IChannel channel, String libraryName, String interfaceName, String messageName)
Sub InitializeResponseMessage(channel As IChannel, libraryName As String, interfaceName As String, messageName As String)
- channel:
- libraryName:
- interfaceName:
- messageName:
InitializeSerializer protected
method InitializeSerializer
void InitializeSerializer()
Sub InitializeSerializer()
ProcessException protected (declared in Message)
method ProcessException
void ProcessException()
Sub ProcessException()
Read (declared in Message)
Calls the appropriate method for reading the given Type (such as ReadString or ReadInt32). If the type is unsupported, an exception is raised. Objects can be written to the Serializer using the Write method. You will usually not need to override this method when implementing a custom Serializer.
method Read(name: String; type: Type; format: StreamingFormat): Object
Object Read(String name, Type type, StreamingFormat format)
Function Read(name As String, type As Type, format As StreamingFormat) As Object
- name:
- type:
- format:
ReadAnsiString (declared in Message)
Should be implemented to read an ANSI String value from the message.
method ReadAnsiString(name: String): String
String ReadAnsiString(String name)
Function ReadAnsiString(name As String) As String
- name:
ReadBoolean (declared in Message)
method ReadBoolean(name: String): Boolean
Boolean ReadBoolean(String name)
Function ReadBoolean(name As String) As Boolean
- name:
ReadCurrency (declared in Message)
method ReadCurrency(name: String): Decimal
Decimal ReadCurrency(String name)
Function ReadCurrency(name As String) As Decimal
- name:
ReadDateTime (declared in Message)
method ReadDateTime(name: String): DateTime
DateTime ReadDateTime(String name)
Function ReadDateTime(name As String) As DateTime
- name:
ReadDecimal (declared in Message)
method ReadDecimal(name: String): Decimal
Decimal ReadDecimal(String name)
Function ReadDecimal(name As String) As Decimal
- name:
ReadDouble (declared in Message)
method ReadDouble(name: String): Double
Double ReadDouble(String name)
Function ReadDouble(name As String) As Double
- name:
ReadEnum (declared in Message)
method ReadEnum(name: String; type: Type): Enum
Enum ReadEnum(String name, Type type)
Function ReadEnum(name As String, type As Type) As Enum
- name:
- type:
Reads the current message as an exception, then returns a new ServerException instance, properly initialized with the message values.
method ReadException: Exception
Exception ReadException()
Function ReadException() As Exception
ReadFromStream (declared in Message)
Should be implemented to read the contents of the message from the given stream.
method ReadFromStream(stream: Stream)
void ReadFromStream(Stream stream)
Sub ReadFromStream(stream As Stream)
- stream:
ReadGuid (declared in Message)
method ReadGuid(name: String): Guid
Guid ReadGuid(String name)
Function ReadGuid(name As String) As Guid
- name:
ReadInt32 (declared in Message)
Reads Int32
method ReadInt32(name: String): Int32
Int32 ReadInt32(String name)
Function ReadInt32(name As String) As Int32
- name:
ReadInt64 (declared in Message)
Reads Int64
method ReadInt64(name: String): Int64
Int64 ReadInt64(String name)
Function ReadInt64(name As String) As Int64
- name:
ReadNullableBoolean (declared in Message)
method ReadNullableBoolean(name: String): nullable Boolean
Boolean? ReadNullableBoolean(String name)
Function ReadNullableBoolean(name As String) As Boolean?
- name:
ReadNullableCurrency (declared in Message)
method ReadNullableCurrency(name: String): nullable Decimal
Decimal? ReadNullableCurrency(String name)
Function ReadNullableCurrency(name As String) As Decimal?
- name:
ReadNullableDateTime (declared in Message)
method ReadNullableDateTime(name: String): nullable DateTime
DateTime? ReadNullableDateTime(String name)
Function ReadNullableDateTime(name As String) As DateTime?
- name:
ReadNullableDecimal (declared in Message)
method ReadNullableDecimal(name: String): nullable Decimal
Decimal? ReadNullableDecimal(String name)
Function ReadNullableDecimal(name As String) As Decimal?
- name:
ReadNullableDouble (declared in Message)
method ReadNullableDouble(name: String): nullable Double
Double? ReadNullableDouble(String name)
Function ReadNullableDouble(name As String) As Double?
- name:
ReadNullableEnum (declared in Message)
method ReadNullableEnum(name: String; type: Type): nullable Enum
Enum? ReadNullableEnum(String name, Type type)
Function ReadNullableEnum(name As String, type As Type) As Enum?
- name:
- type:
ReadNullableGuid (declared in Message)
method ReadNullableGuid(name: String): nullable Guid
Guid? ReadNullableGuid(String name)
Function ReadNullableGuid(name As String) As Guid?
- name:
ReadNullableInt32 (declared in Message)
method ReadNullableInt32(name: String): nullable Int32
Int32? ReadNullableInt32(String name)
Function ReadNullableInt32(name As String) As Int32?
- name:
ReadNullableInt64 (declared in Message)
method ReadNullableInt64(name: String): nullable Int64
Int64? ReadNullableInt64(String name)
Function ReadNullableInt64(name As String) As Int64?
- name:
ReadUtf8String (declared in Message)
method ReadUtf8String(name: String): String
String ReadUtf8String(String name)
Function ReadUtf8String(name As String) As String
- name:
ReadVariant (declared in Message)
method ReadVariant(name: String): Object
Object ReadVariant(String name)
Function ReadVariant(name As String) As Object
- name:
ReadWideString (declared in Message)
Should be implemented to read an Unicode Wide String value from the message.
method ReadWideString(name: String): String
String ReadWideString(String name)
Function ReadWideString(name As String) As String
- name:
ReadXml (declared in Message)
method ReadXml(name: String): XmlNode
XmlNode ReadXml(String name)
Function ReadXml(name As String) As XmlNode
- name:
RemapParameters protected
method RemapParameters(parameters: array of String)
void RemapParameters(String[] parameters)
Sub RemapParameters(parameters As String())
- parameters:
SetAttributes (declared in Message)
method SetAttributes(channel: IChannel; attributeNames: array of String; attributeValues: array of String)
void SetAttributes(IChannel channel, String[] attributeNames, String[] attributeValues)
Sub SetAttributes(channel As IChannel, attributeNames As String(), attributeValues As String())
- channel:
- attributeNames:
- attributeValues:
TriggerAfterReadMessageParam (String, Object) protected (declared in Message)
method TriggerAfterReadMessageParam(name: String; parameter: Object)
void TriggerAfterReadMessageParam(String name, Object parameter)
Sub TriggerAfterReadMessageParam(name As String, parameter As Object)
- name:
- parameter:
TriggerAfterReadMessageParam (String, Object, Type) protected (declared in Message)
method TriggerAfterReadMessageParam(name: String; parameter: Object; type: Type)
void TriggerAfterReadMessageParam(String name, Object parameter, Type type)
Sub TriggerAfterReadMessageParam(name As String, parameter As Object, type As Type)
- name:
- parameter:
- type:
TriggerAfterReadMessageParam (String, Object, Type, StreamingFormat) protected (declared in Message)
method TriggerAfterReadMessageParam(name: String; parameter: Object; type: Type; format: StreamingFormat)
void TriggerAfterReadMessageParam(String name, Object parameter, Type type, StreamingFormat format)
Sub TriggerAfterReadMessageParam(name As String, parameter As Object, type As Type, format As StreamingFormat)
- name:
- parameter:
- type:
- format:
TriggerAfterUnwrapEnvelopes protected (declared in Message)
method TriggerAfterUnwrapEnvelopes(stream: Stream)
void TriggerAfterUnwrapEnvelopes(Stream stream)
Sub TriggerAfterUnwrapEnvelopes(stream As Stream)
- stream:
TriggerAfterWrapEnvelopes protected (declared in Message)
method TriggerAfterWrapEnvelopes(stream: Stream)
void TriggerAfterWrapEnvelopes(Stream stream)
Sub TriggerAfterWrapEnvelopes(stream As Stream)
- stream:
TriggerBeforeUnwrapEnvelopes protected (declared in Message)
method TriggerBeforeUnwrapEnvelopes(stream: Stream)
void TriggerBeforeUnwrapEnvelopes(Stream stream)
Sub TriggerBeforeUnwrapEnvelopes(stream As Stream)
- stream:
TriggerBeforeWrapEnvelopes protected (declared in Message)
method TriggerBeforeWrapEnvelopes(stream: Stream)
void TriggerBeforeWrapEnvelopes(Stream stream)
Sub TriggerBeforeWrapEnvelopes(stream As Stream)
- stream:
TriggerBeforeWriteMessageParam (String, Object) protected (declared in Message)
method TriggerBeforeWriteMessageParam(name: String; parameter: Object)
void TriggerBeforeWriteMessageParam(String name, Object parameter)
Sub TriggerBeforeWriteMessageParam(name As String, parameter As Object)
- name:
- parameter:
TriggerBeforeWriteMessageParam (String, Object, Type) protected (declared in Message)
method TriggerBeforeWriteMessageParam(name: String; parameter: Object; type: Type)
void TriggerBeforeWriteMessageParam(String name, Object parameter, Type type)
Sub TriggerBeforeWriteMessageParam(name As String, parameter As Object, type As Type)
- name:
- parameter:
- type:
TriggerBeforeWriteMessageParam (String, Object, Type, StreamingFormat) protected (declared in Message)
method TriggerBeforeWriteMessageParam(name: String; parameter: Object; type: Type; format: StreamingFormat)
void TriggerBeforeWriteMessageParam(String name, Object parameter, Type type, StreamingFormat format)
Sub TriggerBeforeWriteMessageParam(name As String, parameter As Object, type As Type, format As StreamingFormat)
- name:
- parameter:
- type:
- format:
TriggerOnFinalizeMessage protected (declared in Message)
method TriggerOnFinalizeMessage
void TriggerOnFinalizeMessage()
Sub TriggerOnFinalizeMessage()
TriggerOnInitializeMessage protected (declared in Message)
method TriggerOnInitializeMessage(channel: IChannel; interfaceName: String; messageName: String; exception: Exception)
void TriggerOnInitializeMessage(IChannel channel, String interfaceName, String messageName, Exception exception)
Sub TriggerOnInitializeMessage(channel As IChannel, interfaceName As String, messageName As String, exception As Exception)
- channel:
- interfaceName:
- messageName:
- exception:
UnwrapEnvelopes protected (declared in Message)
method UnwrapEnvelopes(stream: Stream): Stream
Stream UnwrapEnvelopes(Stream stream)
Function UnwrapEnvelopes(stream As Stream) As Stream
- stream:
Validate (declared in Message)
method Validate(content: String): Boolean
Boolean Validate(String content)
Function Validate(content As String) As Boolean
- content:
WrapEnvelopes protected (declared in Message)
method WrapEnvelopes(stream: Stream): Stream
Stream WrapEnvelopes(Stream stream)
Function WrapEnvelopes(stream As Stream) As Stream
- stream:
Write (declared in Message)
method Write(name: String; value: Object; type: Type; format: StreamingFormat)
void Write(String name, Object value, Type type, StreamingFormat format)
Sub Write(name As String, value As Object, type As Type, format As StreamingFormat)
- name:
- value:
- type:
- format:
WriteAnsiString (declared in Message)
Should be implemented to write an ANSI String value to the message.
method WriteAnsiString(name: String; value: String)
void WriteAnsiString(String name, String value)
Sub WriteAnsiString(name As String, value As String)
- name:
- value:
WriteBoolean (declared in Message)
method WriteBoolean(name: String; value: Boolean)
void WriteBoolean(String name, Boolean value)
Sub WriteBoolean(name As String, value As Boolean)
- name:
- value:
WriteCurrency (declared in Message)
method WriteCurrency(name: String; value: Decimal)
void WriteCurrency(String name, Decimal value)
Sub WriteCurrency(name As String, value As Decimal)
- name:
- value:
WriteDateTime (declared in Message)
method WriteDateTime(name: String; value: DateTime)
void WriteDateTime(String name, DateTime value)
Sub WriteDateTime(name As String, value As DateTime)
- name:
- value:
WriteDecimal (declared in Message)
method WriteDecimal(name: String; value: Decimal)
void WriteDecimal(String name, Decimal value)
Sub WriteDecimal(name As String, value As Decimal)
- name:
- value:
WriteDouble (declared in Message)
method WriteDouble(name: String; value: Double)
void WriteDouble(String name, Double value)
Sub WriteDouble(name As String, value As Double)
- name:
- value:
WriteEnum (declared in Message)
method WriteEnum(name: String; value: Enum)
void WriteEnum(String name, Enum value)
Sub WriteEnum(name As String, value As Enum)
- name:
- value:
WriteEnvelopeHeader (declared in Message)
method WriteEnvelopeHeader(envelope: MessageEnvelope; stream: Stream)
void WriteEnvelopeHeader(MessageEnvelope envelope, Stream stream)
Sub WriteEnvelopeHeader(envelope As MessageEnvelope, stream As Stream)
- envelope:
- stream:
Writes the provided exception to the current message.
method WriteException(exception: Exception)
void WriteException(Exception exception)
Sub WriteException(exception As Exception)
- exception: Exception that should be serialized and sent to the client application
WriteGuid (declared in Message)
method WriteGuid(name: String; value: Guid)
void WriteGuid(String name, Guid value)
Sub WriteGuid(name As String, value As Guid)
- name:
- value:
WriteInt32 (declared in Message)
method WriteInt32(name: String; value: Int32)
void WriteInt32(String name, Int32 value)
Sub WriteInt32(name As String, value As Int32)
- name:
- value:
WriteInt64 (declared in Message)
method WriteInt64(name: String; value: Int64)
void WriteInt64(String name, Int64 value)
Sub WriteInt64(name As String, value As Int64)
- name:
- value:
WriteNullableBoolean (declared in Message)
method WriteNullableBoolean(name: String; value: Nullable<Boolean>)
void WriteNullableBoolean(String name, Nullable<Boolean> value)
Sub WriteNullableBoolean(name As String, value As Nullable<Boolean>)
- name:
- value:
WriteNullableCurrency (declared in Message)
method WriteNullableCurrency(name: String; value: Nullable<Decimal>)
void WriteNullableCurrency(String name, Nullable<Decimal> value)
Sub WriteNullableCurrency(name As String, value As Nullable<Decimal>)
- name:
- value:
WriteNullableDateTime (declared in Message)
method WriteNullableDateTime(name: String; value: Nullable<DateTime>)
void WriteNullableDateTime(String name, Nullable<DateTime> value)
Sub WriteNullableDateTime(name As String, value As Nullable<DateTime>)
- name:
- value:
WriteNullableDecimal (declared in Message)
method WriteNullableDecimal(name: String; value: Nullable<Decimal>)
void WriteNullableDecimal(String name, Nullable<Decimal> value)
Sub WriteNullableDecimal(name As String, value As Nullable<Decimal>)
- name:
- value:
WriteNullableDouble (declared in Message)
method WriteNullableDouble(name: String; value: Nullable<Double>)
void WriteNullableDouble(String name, Nullable<Double> value)
Sub WriteNullableDouble(name As String, value As Nullable<Double>)
- name:
- value:
WriteNullableEnum (declared in Message)
method WriteNullableEnum(name: String; value: nullable Enum)
void WriteNullableEnum(String name, Enum? value)
Sub WriteNullableEnum(name As String, value As Enum?)
- name:
- value:
WriteNullableGuid (declared in Message)
method WriteNullableGuid(name: String; value: Nullable<Guid>)
void WriteNullableGuid(String name, Nullable<Guid> value)
Sub WriteNullableGuid(name As String, value As Nullable<Guid>)
- name:
- value:
WriteNullableInt32 (declared in Message)
method WriteNullableInt32(name: String; value: Nullable<Int32>)
void WriteNullableInt32(String name, Nullable<Int32> value)
Sub WriteNullableInt32(name As String, value As Nullable<Int32>)
- name:
- value:
WriteNullableInt64 (declared in Message)
method WriteNullableInt64(name: String; value: Nullable<Int64>)
void WriteNullableInt64(String name, Nullable<Int64> value)
Sub WriteNullableInt64(name As String, value As Nullable<Int64>)
- name:
- value:
WriteToStream (declared in Message)
method WriteToStream(stream: Stream)
void WriteToStream(Stream stream)
Sub WriteToStream(stream As Stream)
- stream:
WriteUtf8String (declared in Message)
method WriteUtf8String(name: String; value: String)
void WriteUtf8String(String name, String value)
Sub WriteUtf8String(name As String, value As String)
- name:
- value:
WriteVariant (declared in Message)
method WriteVariant(name: String; value: Object)
void WriteVariant(String name, Object value)
Sub WriteVariant(name As String, value As Object)
- name:
- value:
WriteWideString (declared in Message)
method WriteWideString(name: String; value: String)
void WriteWideString(String name, String value)
Sub WriteWideString(name As String, value As String)
- name:
- value:
WriteXml (declared in Message)
method WriteXml(name: String; value: XmlNode)
void WriteXml(String name, XmlNode value)
Sub WriteXml(name As String, value As XmlNode)
- name:
- value:
AfterReadMessageParam (declared in Message)
Gets triggered after a parameter was read from the incoming message. You can use this event to inspect the parameter name, type and value.
event AfterReadMessageParam: EventHandler<MessageParamEventArgs>;
delegate EventHandler<MessageParamEventArgs> AfterReadMessageParam()
Event AfterReadMessageParam As EventHandler<MessageParamEventArgs>
AfterUnwrapEnvelopes (declared in Message)
event AfterUnwrapEnvelopes: EventHandler<StreamOperationEventArgs>;
delegate EventHandler<StreamOperationEventArgs> AfterUnwrapEnvelopes()
Event AfterUnwrapEnvelopes As EventHandler<StreamOperationEventArgs>
AfterWrapEnvelopes (declared in Message)
event AfterWrapEnvelopes: EventHandler<StreamOperationEventArgs>;
delegate EventHandler<StreamOperationEventArgs> AfterWrapEnvelopes()
Event AfterWrapEnvelopes As EventHandler<StreamOperationEventArgs>
BeforeUnwrapEnvelopes (declared in Message)
event BeforeUnwrapEnvelopes: EventHandler<StreamOperationEventArgs>;
delegate EventHandler<StreamOperationEventArgs> BeforeUnwrapEnvelopes()
Event BeforeUnwrapEnvelopes As EventHandler<StreamOperationEventArgs>
BeforeWrapEnvelopes (declared in Message)
event BeforeWrapEnvelopes: EventHandler<StreamOperationEventArgs>;
delegate EventHandler<StreamOperationEventArgs> BeforeWrapEnvelopes()
Event BeforeWrapEnvelopes As EventHandler<StreamOperationEventArgs>
BeforeWriteMessageParam (declared in Message)
Gets triggered before a parameter gets written to the outgoing message. You can use this event to inspect the parameter name, type and value.
event BeforeWriteMessageParam: EventHandler<MessageParamEventArgs>;
delegate EventHandler<MessageParamEventArgs> BeforeWriteMessageParam()
Event BeforeWriteMessageParam As EventHandler<MessageParamEventArgs>
OnFinalizeMessage (declared in Message)
Gets triggered when FinalizeMessage method was called to finalize an outgoing message just before it will be actually sent across the wire to the remote system.
event OnFinalizeMessage: EventHandler<EventArgs>;
delegate EventHandler<EventArgs> OnFinalizeMessage()
Event OnFinalizeMessage As EventHandler<EventArgs>
OnInitializeMessage (declared in Message)
Gets triggered when InitializeMessage method is called to initialize an outgoing message. You can hook into this event to inspect information such as the service name and message (method) name, as well as the channel that the message is being dispatched through.
event OnInitializeMessage: EventHandler<InitMessageEventArgs>;
delegate EventHandler<InitMessageEventArgs> OnInitializeMessage()
Event OnInitializeMessage As EventHandler<InitMessageEventArgs>