Getting Started
The articles and tutorials in this section are designed to get you up and running with Data Abstract for Cocoa as quickly as possible. You should really become comfortable with all the concepts and techniques explained in this section before using any of the other Data Abstract documentation.
Core Concepts
You should really read this article before anything else. It will help you get to grips with the core concepts behind Data Abstract for Cocoa.
Basic instructions for installing Data Abstract for Cocoa on your Mac
ToDo List Tutorial
This tutorial walks you through developing a simple ToDo list application in Cocoa. By the end of the tutorial you would have covered all the basic fundamentals of Data Abstract.
Data Abstract New Project Wizard
This Data Abstract New Project Wizard article, guides your through the creation of a new Data Abstract for Cocoa project using the supplied Mac OS X and iOS project templates.
The Client Project Generated by the Data Abstract New Project Wizard
This article examines the files that are generated by the new project wizard.
Adding & Reading from a Union Table
Step by step guide to adding a Union Table to a schema using Server Explorer, and retrieving data from it.